Welcome to Cross Timbers Elementary, home of the Timberwolves.
Here at Cross Timbers, we foster a caring, respectful, and creative environment. Our goal is to nurture the social, emotional, and intellectual development of each student to maximize an effective and positive learning environment.
Our focus is to create a safe learning environment where all students belong and become independent, critical thinkers with a lifelong love of learning. We are purposeful, intentful, and impactful in all of the work we do!
These expectations will be reinforced throughout our school every day. Our desire is for students to learn from their mistakes and learn to make positive choices.
Your active support and cooperation, combined with our best professional efforts, will ensure academic and social success for your child. Enjoy this school year with your child as you learn together in a shared partnership of cooperation, communication, and caring.
Please reach out and communicate with us if you have a concern, suggestion, or idea. We look forward to working with you.
Amanda Neely